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For many of us resigning from a job can be overwhelming, however it is something that many of us will have to face at some point in our lives, so handling it in the right way is essential for maintaining your reputation.

“Regardless of your situation, there is always going to be an employer who makes you feel like you are making the wrong decision, but don’t worry we’ve got you covered”.

The below steps will help you exit your job in a manner that is professional and will ensure you are parting on good terms, maintaining a good relationship.
  1. Make sure that you have finalised all of the details with your new Employer. This means ensuring that you have signed and returned the new employment contract, checked that all of the details are correct and have also decided on an official start date so there is no confusion.
  2. Ensure that you have planned how you will transfer all of your responsibilities to someone else; you want to ensure that the next person who takes over is able to do so relatively stress free. You do not want to leave your boss swamped with unfinished work and untied ends.
  3. Write an official resignation letter making sure that it is short and straight to the point. You want to eliminate any false hope that your boss may have about you staying with the company. You want to make it very clear that you have made your decision and a counter offer is not going to change your mind. You want to express your gratitude for working at the company and state the official date of your resignation (Most employees have either a 2 or 4 week notice period).
  4. Maintain a good work ethic regardless of the fact you are leaving in 4 weeks time. Do not get the temptation to slack off or finish early just because you will no longer be with the company. You want to ensure that you are conducting yourself in a professional manner as you would any other given day.
  5. Lastly you want to resign in person and bring your resignation letter with you. This is always the most respectful and professional way to resign, as it allows both parties to have closure and part on good terms.